Remember My Journey

Remember My Journey is a unique offering for the family members and friends of those buried at Prospect Hill & Greenmount Cemeteries and Cremation Gardens.  It enables you to create a lasting memory timeline for your loved one.  To use this feature, locate your loved one using the search feature under Burial Records and click View & Submit Memories to share your memories.

Remember My Journey Policy

All memories submitted via the Remember My Journey feature are reviewed by one or more staff members of Prospect Hill & Greenmount Cemeteries and Cremation Gardens before they are posted. We reserve the right to deny any posts that include foul language, slanderous comments, disrespect of Cemetery policies, or other comments that may be considered inappropriate.

To submit a memory, an email address must be provided. This enables the staff at Prospect Hill & Greenmount Cemeteries and Cremation Gardens to contact you in the event there are questions regarding the memory you are trying to share.

All memories submitted on Remember My Journey will be viewable by the general public.