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Remember The Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Heritage Foundation on May 3


300+ nonprofits-24 hours-$3 million dollars-May 3, 2019.  The first-ever Give Local York was held on May 4, 2018, and raised $1,478,887 for 211 York County nonprofits collectively as a community. That’s more than 6 gifts per minute for 1440 minutes!  Give Local York is a 24-hour online giving spree, to benefit hundreds of York County nonprofits like the Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Heritage Foundation.

Why should you support the Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Heritage Foundation?
It’s simple.
Our mission is to preserve the rich history of Prospect Hill and share it with the York Community.
The Foundation also maintains the buildings, monuments and cemetery sections to retain their historic and educational value so they can continue to be shared with the York Community.
On May 3, 2019, visit the official site between 12:00am and 11:59pm EST and donate to the Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Heritage Foundation!Visit www.givelocalyork.org for more details!
CLICK HERE TO DONATE ON MAY 3!Thank you for your continued support of the Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery Heritage Foundation!